Proximus dividend agenda

  • Proximus dividend history
  • Dividend payments for Proximus (PROX.VI) from 2018 to 2024
  • Dividend over the result of The Proximus Board of Directors approved on 27 February to propose to the Annual General Meeting of 16 April to return a total .
  • Proximus Dividends
  • Proximus Dividends

  • Proximus has an annual dividend of € per share, with a yield of %. The dividend is paid every six months and the last ex-dividend date was Dec 4,
  • proximus dividend agenda
  • Proximus Dividend Calendar
  • Dec 4,  · Het dividend van 0,60 EUR per aandeel over het resultaat van .
  • Uitkering Proximus dividend voor aandeelhouders
  • Proximus Dividends I'm really pleased to announce a strong closing of , fully delivering on our guidance for the year.
    Uitkering van Proximus dividenden The next Proximus dividend is expected soon, leave us your email to let you know.
    Shareholder Remuneration De Raad van Bestuur van Proximus heeft op 27 februari de beslissing goedgekeurd om aan de Algemene Vergadering van 16 april voor te stellen om een brutodividend van 0,60 EUR per aandeel uit te keren over het resultaat van
    Uitkering Proximus dividend voor aandeelhouders | Proximus Groep .
      Dividends for Proximus in (Updated Date) According to the most recent data as of February , Proximus paid dividends totaling USD per share within the last 12 months. At the current stock price of USD, this .
      Shareholder remuneration | Proximus Group Proximus zal het verwachte dividend van 0,60 EUR per aandeel over het resultaat van uitkeren in twee tranches: een bruto interim-dividend van 0,30 EUR per aandeel in .
      Proximus () - Dividends Proximus has an annual dividend of $ per share, with a yield of %. The dividend is paid every six months and the last ex-dividend date was Dec 9,
      Proximus (stock symbol: ) made a total of 14 dividend payments. The sum of all dividends (adjusted for stock splits) is: 9,30 € Dividend yield (TTM): % See Proximus .