Hundred demonstrators protest against verdict in case of Sanda Dia |
This week students will congregate in several places in the Netherlands to raise awareness of the situation in which students currently find themselves, in which they know they will have to repay significant student loan debts after graduating. |
Duizenden kinderschoenen op Schouwburgplein: Rotterdam herdenkt omgekomen Palestijnse kinderen |
Op het Schouwburgplein in Rotterdam houdt Stichting Plant een Olijfboom een indrukwekkend herdenkingsprotest plaats. |
Protest in Rotterdam: ‘What do we want? To be debt-free!’ |
The death of Sanda Dia, a would-be member of the former KU Leuven student association Reuzegom, was preceded by multiple initiation activities imposed by the eighteen members of the association. |
Hundred demonstrators protest against verdict in case of Sanda Dia - Erasmus Magazine |
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